Our Wins

Val Swaskoski

You help people believe in themselves. Give us hope and Realistic hope. Like it’s possible. It’s attainable. Thank you so much for everything you do. That’s really not enough words but really what you do is invaluable. You change people’s lives. I hope you realize that 🙂

Joe Vacante

My key take away from the last 2 weeks is this. I am constantly calculating and aware of what I’m putting in my mouth. Some times it’s not the best, but I am aware. If I don’t have at least 8 cups of water by noon I feel dehydrated. I feel better. I have more …

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Henry Chin

My Dr appointment went very good! I went from a 7.5 A1C to a 6.9 this time! My doctor was very satisfied in this change in a 3 month period! …Like I said my doctor was very happy. I mentioned what we are doing and she was pleased to hear of me doing this. …..My …

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Karyn Dolan

Tina, thank you so much for your constant support and motivation. I’ve tried to lose weight so many times in the past, and sometimes I have lost some weight, but I see now that I’ve really always done it alone. Even with weekly Weight Watchers meetings, I never got the kind of support and encouragement …

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