Uncover the Secret of Successful Life!

To get in shape, you’ll need to be consistent. To be consistent, you’ll need help.

Lose weight, build strength, and have more energy.

I always start with your needs and goals. Then we’ll work together to develop a plan to help you eat, move, and live better
—in a way that works for your body,
and your life.

Get the support you need—every step of the way.

I’ll remove all the guesswork and provide the accountability, direction, and support you need to stay consistent, no matter what
life throws at you.
We’re in this together.

Achieve your goals—even when life gets crazy.

I’ll break your big goals into small daily practices that add up to massive changes. As a result, you’ll progress toward your goals without ever feeling overwhelmed, and build habits that last a lifetime.

Personal coaching with Coach Tina S. Myers

Is personal coaching right for you?

You want to get healthier, fitter, and stronger — and stay that way for the rest of your life

This program is for people who want to lose weight and body fat, build physical strength and confidence, get results that last, and get off the diet roller-coaster once and for all. I won’t give you a crazy diet or exercise program to follow; instead, I’ll help you build habits that will get you results that last forever.

You’re tired of “quick fix” programs and are willing to dedicate time to getting in shape the sustainable way

If you’ve tried something before and “failed” — or just can’t stick with it — know that you’re not alone. And it’s not your fault. After all, self-directed training and nutrition programs fail 98 percent of the time. Not to mention, after many years in the fitness industry, I’ve seen dozens of diet and exercise fads come and go. That’s why I don’t follow fads. Instead, I’ll teach you doable daily actions that are designed to fit into a busy lifestyle. Bottom line: I’ll help you make fitness and nutrition a part of your life, without it taking over.

You want an expert to hold you accountable and keep you consistent through the program

Nothing worth doing can be done alone. That’s why I work closely with my clients to help them eat well and exercise, no matter what other craziness is going on in their lives. You’re busy and have enough to worry about; let me take care of the fitness and nutrition details so you don’t have to.

My Services

What Do I offer

Health benefits beyond weight loss.

My science-based coaching method does more than just teach you how to eat better. In the end, it won’t be just about what you lose, but what you’ll gain: knowledge, control, and the confidence that comes with knowing you’re capable of anything.

No more weird diets or unrealistic workouts.

You don’t have to go to extremes to get amazing results. I’ll help you achieve your goals without flipping your life upside down.

One-on-one coaching
done right.

No cookie-cutter programs here. I will create a personalized plan that’s tailored specifically to your goals, needs, and preferences. Personal coaching is finally affordable. And it just works. Why? Because I am committed to helping you get into the shape you want.

Easy-to-use online platform

You’ll start by telling me all about yourself, including your goals, health challenges, and daily routine. From there, I’ll customize your entire program and we’ll start the proven coaching process.

Simple practices and daily accountability

Every day, you’ll work on nutrition or lifestyle practice. Each practice will be customized to help you get the results you are looking for. We’ll work together to create and practice healthy habits across every aspect of your life, from sleep and stress-management to movement and mindfulness. These new habits will help you feel more calm, confident, and prepared for each day—no matter what life throws at you.

Personal coaching and detailed progress checking

I’ll check in with you frequently to see how you’re doing and to answer any questions you have. Also, you can message me whenever you need. The program also tracks everything from your measurements to your consistency, so you can see just how much progress you’ve made.


Tina Myers Owner, CNC, PN1, OTAL2, RHIT

Tina is the Owner of Interior Design Nutrition, LLC, Certified Nutrition Coach, PNL1, OTA2, Certified Success Principles Trainer. She helps men and women 35+ feel energetic again by losing weight without strict diet plans or sacrificing family time with hours in the gym.

As a competitive bodybuilder, she understands the drive, determination, and discipline it takes to motivate people to achieve their goals. As a happily married mother of one, she helps people juggle the many hats they have to wear with outstanding time management techniques and mindset shifts.
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How I Work

Upgrade Your Skills Upgrade Your Life

In order to avoid yo-yo dieting plans and frustration, I teach techniques, which get to the core of the issue: Your HABITS. Certified in nutrition, mindset, and fitness, creates a perfect Trifecta Tiered ™ program, along with my support will FINALLY get you to a state of vitality and can end the dieting and poor health hamster wheel. Start LIVING again!

My Partners

Learn from Me

Latest Online Courses and Guides

$25 $10

Your gut is the host to an entire microbiome of bacteria – an estimated
100 trillion of them!

Keeping those bacteria happy, healthy, and in balance is a big part of wellness lifestyle. As you can imagine, what you eat plays a very important role.

ln this mini-guide, we’ll outline the basics of gut health. Plus, we’ve included lots of delicious recipes. We hope you enjoy it!

$25 $10

If you’re looking to optimize your fitness & self-care, you’re in the right place.

The fact is, health & wellness is not a “set it and forget it” proposition. What your body & mind want – and need– changes at every age and stage of life.

Taking advantage of your strengths through the decades is smart. So is giving a little extra attention to areas that need some TLC.

$25 $10

We all know how important it is to move your body and get in regular exercise…. but life gets busy. Things pop up all of the time.

It’s all too easy to move your workout to “tomorrow.” And in reality, that’s what most of us end up doing.

FACT: Missing workouts and failing to follow through on commitments to yourself doesn’t feel very good.

It doesn’t have to be that way. There is a solution.

Inside you’ll find results-driven workouts that will fit into even the busiest schedule … and for ALL fitness levels!

$25 $10

The problem: Finding the time and energy to create healthy weeknight meals that you actually want to eat.

The solution: Simple one-dish meals!

Inside, you’ll find a dozen recipes that will please the entire family, and will require just minutes of your time – both for prep AND for cleanup.

$25 $10

  • What you put IN your body,
  • What you put ON your body,
  • What you live with in your home,
  • What you feed your mind.

When you total it all together, it can be a lot for your system to handle.

Taking stock of your toxic load – and reducing it as much as possible – can be a major step in improving your wellness.

This guide will bring awareness around the toxins you may be exposed to, and help you reduce it wherever possible.

$25 $10

If you’re reading this, you’re likely just getting started, want to get started, or starting back up on your fitness journey!

Maybe you want to finally …

  • Feel confident going out with your friends
  • Have more energy to spend quality time with your family
  • Fit back into your “goal” jeans
  • Stop feeling breathless or fatigued after climbing a flight of stairs

Or perhaps it’s a combination of all the above.

Taking the first steps can feel a little overwhelming.

You might wonder if you are doing things the right way, or if what you’re doing is even going to work for you. On top of that, your brain may be playing tricks on you trying to talk you out of getting started in the first place!

You’re in the right place.

The Beginner Quick Start Exercise Guide will lay out the basics you need to know.

Crafted for Everyone!

Personal Coaching Programs

We customize your program to fit your needs. The 28-Day Transformation Program is designed to jumpstart your efforts with simplicity and easy to follow recipes, manuals, and exercises. The 12-Week Signature Program gives you everything you need to succeed in your blossoming healthy lifestyle: Unparalleled support from Coach Tina, mindset and habit change techniques, accountability, motivation, curriculum to build your knowledge and your confidence, and online exercise programs, which blend with your nutrition program. Continue building a solid foundation with our Level Up 6-Month Challenge and finish strong with our Fit and Healthy 12-Month Legacy Program.

Available Soon!

Want to join once the course is available? Please register using the below button and we will email you once the program is available!

12 Week Signature Program

Don't struggle on your own. Get lasting results you never thought possible with expert nutrition coaching and accountability from Tina S. Myers

6 Month Challenge

Level Up is our second stage program and available to IDN clients who have completed their first 3 months successfully.

Request Appointment

Make an Appointment With Me

Looking for a one on one discussion to get the best coaching plan for you? We can have a one on one discussion and I will help you find the best program for you. 


Results I have Helped Create

Before taking on this challenge with Tina, I had never worked out in a gym. I was even intimidated to use our home gym in our garage. In 6 weeks, I have become super comfortable with finding my way around our home gym equipment. I used to be afraid of working out by myself. Now, I get my lift in by myself and relax with a good podcast. I am very aware of what I put into my body. No food is bad food. However, I can choose to say," Not right now" to a food or beverage because I know whether it will fuel me to hit my goals faster or slow me down. Oh, and I never thought it would be possible to drink a gallon of water per day, let alone with all of this food I'm supposed to eat even on a calorie deficit. Guess what? It's totally possible and very doable! I have worked much harder to see far less results in the past. With Tina, I started seeing physical and mental results pretty much immediately!"
Sarah Bell
Vitamins! I haven't taken vitamins ever, but you've put me back on the path! Also the workouts. Small but effective. I've enjoyed them!
Bob Bell
First and foremost my butt hurts. That is because of tina having to kick me there when I get down. She knows the right things to say at the right time. Secondly, Tina is not judgmental. She takes what i give her and turns it around and makes it work for me.
Ed Kogler
PN Coaching has helped maintain consistency because of the structure and the systems in place. Educated me on the macros and how to track this--I really like the Daily Portion Tracking Sheet. I use this everyday.
Rose Angell-Gabriele
You have helped me gain back my confidence. You have helped me understand the importance of overall measurements not just the scale
Christine Furman
For years I have wanted to change my habits and get fit- from the inside out but have always had an excuse or been to afraid. Tina said “I’ll walk this journey with you, step by step” And that’s exactly what she has done. In a short period of time I am already transforming into the person I knew I could be!!
Claudia Conley
Coach Tina's coaching has taught me a whole new approach to eating healthy and meeting my weight loss and physical fitness goals. She has me focused on my goals and not being too hard on myself when I stumble, which we all do from time to time. She also has me focused not only on the big picture but also the little accomplishments that are moving me in the right direction towards my bigger goal.
John Johansen
Tina’s has helped me when I was really having a hard time with my food she took the time to help me to get through it. Thank you
Polly Tankersley
"After having some time to think about my response. I see where I'm making up excuses. How I'm trying like hell to hold on to business as usual..and expecting changes. Well. You can’t have changes when you are going to do the same exact thing. So, thank you for being my coach and mentor and not being a "yes" person or a "you're right" person when you know I'm BS-ing myself. LOL. Truly. You are asking the difficult questions. And are totally 100 percent right."

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